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secuENTRY easy plus 5651 Pincode


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Never lose your keys again – secuENTRY easy plus 5651 Pincode

Just as you take your hand off the door handle, you realise: “Oh no, I’ve left my keys inside!”. This is a silly, but unfortunately also an all-too-common situation. This is where BURG-WÄCHTER’s secuENTRY easy plus 5651 Pincode electronic door lock comes in. This can be opened very easily via code, smartphonepassive transponder or active transponder. Moreover, the secuENTRY easy plus 5651 Pincode even goes one step further. The system also features a mechanical emergency opening function, an additional opening option that is very popular with consumers.

The secuENTRY easy plus set contains the electronic locking cylinder, the keypad for outdoor use and a passive transponder. Specifically the passive transponder has proven to be very successful due to its flexibility. Opening authorisations can be assigned or deleted via the keypad or the optional software. If a passive transponder is lost, for example. This ensures that unauthorised persons cannot enter your home. The software also features many other functions such as: User administration, assignment of rights, history retrieval (last 2000 posts).

No measurements required: secuENTRY easy plus cylinders fit all doors up to 120 millimetres

Converting to the new system is extremely simple: Remove the old, mechanical door cylinder after loosening the door forend screw and insert the new secuENTRY easy plus cylinder. The cylinder is then adjusted to the respective door thickness and fixed in place using the latching system. The installation is now complete. No cables are required. A network connection is not necessary either. It couldn’t be any easier! The batteries required are of course included in the scope of delivery. The keypad with IP65 protection is ideally suited for use outdoors. The radio range between cylinder and keypad is approx. four metres.

The major advantage: The cylinder can be adapted to all door thicknesses up to a maximum of 120 millimetres. This means there is no need to take measurements and search for the right cylinder. And that saves time. In addition, the secuENTRY easy plus system can be re-installed in the new front door when you move house. AES encrypted Bluetooth 4.0 is used to securely transmit data between the keypad and the cylinder. This means there is no need to worry about the opening data being read out.

How to open your door with the secuENTRY easy plus 5651

1. Pincode via keypad

  • opening with six-digit code
  • one million code possibilities
  • up to 50 user codes
  • illuminated keypad
  • tamper protection; lockout time after three incorrect code entries
  • cylinder can be opened up to 40,000 times per battery cycle

2. Active-transponder

  • up to 49 BLE-Keys (Bluetooth 4.0)
  • range max. 4 metres
  • transponder battery enables up to 10,000 openings

3. Passive-transponder

  • up to 49 RFID-Keys (contactless opening)
  • no battery required in the transponder

4. Via Smartphone

  • the smartphone becomes a key.
  • Key App available in AppStore (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android)

5. secuENTRY Bridge

  • remote opening of the door lock possible from anywhere via the Key App
  • connection of the bridge to the home WiFi network

6. Emergency key

  • mechanical opening possible at any time
  • two emergency keys included in the scope of delivery

Scape of delivery of the complete secuENTRY easy plus 5651 set

  • 1 electronic secuENTRY easy plus cylinder
  • 1 keypad secuENTRY 5651 Pincode
  • batteries for cylinder and keypad
  • 1 passive transponder
  • operating and installation instructions
  • 2 emergency keys
Information regarding (security) updates and repairs for secuENTRY products
  • BURG-WÄCHTER provides (security) updates for secuENTRY products for general product improvement. The updates improve the security of the products and also ensure optimum user experience. Additionally, BURG-WÄCHTER equally offers repair and spare parts for the corresponding products.
  • regarding electronic secuENTRY door locks, BURG-WÄCHTER offers corresponding updates and spare parts for at least ten years, or compatible spare parts for the professional repair of the products.
  • BURG-WÄCHTER guarantees the provision of updates and spare parts for the secuENTRY door locks for at least ten years, as far as reasonable and possible.
  • BURG-WÄCHTER offers a repair service for certain components/wear parts for products in the secuENTRY series.

Finden Sie Ihre Fragen zu folgenden Themen:




"Please repeat procedure"/"Communication error




Emergency lock

Security plate

Spare parts


General information on updates and repais

Further questions



What is the default administrator code for secuENTRY easy plus?

The factory setting is 123456. If the administrator code is not present, there is no possibility of performing administrator functions.


Why does the door not open automatically?

After correct code entry/transponder operation, a sound signal indicates that the lock has been released (just like a car). The lock can then be opened or locked manually for a few seconds. The lock is then locked again. This procedure ensures optimum operational reliability and very low battery consumption.


Where is the administrator code stored?

The administrator code and the data record are stored in the cylinder.


Must the administrator code be changed?

It is important to change the administrator code so that no unauthorised person can open the door using the factory setting 123456.


Where can the secuENTRY easy plus be used?

The secuENTRY can be mounted on all doors that have a profile cylinder or the corresponding pre-installation for such a profile cylinder. The keyboards have been divided into IP classes that provide information regarding the application conditions in outdoor areas.

secuENTRY cylinder: IP 65

secuENTRY keyboard: IP 55





What do the three black bars in the centre of the display mean?

They represent the battery voltage. The small dot on the right is intended to represent the positive pole of the battery. 3 full, black fields mean full battery voltage in the keyboard and the cylinder once communication has been established between the keyboard and the cylinder.


What does the letter M in the lower right-hand corner of the display mean?

The M means menu. The menu can be changed by pressing the function key.


How do I set the language on the keyboard?

The default language is German. Under the menu item Language, please select the language required for operation and programming of the secuENTRY. Communication difficulties are then easily avoided. The menu structure can be found in the operating instructions.


Why do only the first two digits of the SNA serial number of the cylinder appear in the menu item Info?

For security reasons, the full serial number is only displayed after entering the correct administrator code.


How do I proceed if the secuENTRY be operated via the keyboard as described in the instructions?

If there is an undefined response, please run a "Reorganisation". Select the Reorganisation sub-item under the menu item Administrator, press ENTER, enter the administrator code and wait until the reorganisation has been completed.


The display may react slowly at minus temperatures. Does this have a negative effect on the lock's functionality?

No, the lock remains fully functional, the only difference is that the display reacts more slowly in very cold conditions.


Is there anything to consider when attaching the keyboard to the keyboard support or a smooth surface?

There is a membrane on the back of the keyboard between the two central batteries. This membrane is responsible for pressure compensation in the event of temperature fluctuations and consequently for the safe operation of the secuENTRY. If this membrane is bonded or firmly covered, this inevitably leads to failure of the keyboard and to loss of the warranty or guarantee.


How should I proceed if the keyboard is to be attached with the enclosed adhesive pads and which should I be aware of in low temperatures?

It is essential to ensure that the surfaces are clean and free of grease, oil, silicone or other dirt particles. Be sure to completely remove the protective film from the adhesive pads. If you are not using the wall mounting plate provided, first stick all pads onto the keyboard and then press firmly in place. In colder temperatures, the wall mounting plate should be mounted at the same time as the warmed up keyboard. The final adhesive strength at 20°C is achieved after 72 hours, whereby heat accelerates the process (e.g. at 65°C the final adhesive strength is achieved after only one hour). The enclosed adhesive pads consist of a high-performance adhesive which can also be used at object and ambient temperatures of 0°C. If these temperatures differ greatly, suitable measures (e.g. heater or hair dryer) must be taken. After completion of the procedure, please check the adhesive function by gently and carefully pulling on the keyboard. Once the adhesive has reached its final adhesive strength, it can be used in accordance with the approved environmental conditions.


What can I do if the lock frequently fails to open directly when using the fingerprint?

In such cases, the contact between the battery pole and the contact spring is not adequate. Please lubricate the battery poles with commercially available pole grease (e.g. available in car accessories) to ensure unrestricted current flow.

The finger structure has changed due to injury, dirt, wear or moisture. Solution: Use a different finger or program in a new finger. The finger scanner and the finger must be dry.


What can I do if the keyboard does not respond to input?

The keyboard is a touch keyboard, where the "keys" need only be touched. If they are pressed (firmly), it is no longer possible to make an entry for 30 seconds. Thereafter the system will react as usual.


What can I do if a lock mounted on steel or sheet metal doors often does not open directly?

In such cases, the contact between the battery pole and the contact spring is not adequate. Please lubricate the battery poles with commercially available pole grease (e.g. available in car accessories) to ensure unrestricted current flow. The transmission power should also be increased via the menu




How does the power supply work?

Both components - cylinder and keyboard - must be supplied with power. The cylinder requires one CR 123A battery for the outside knob and two LR06 batteries (AA) type alkaline for the inside knob. Two LR06 batteries (AA) type alkaline are also required for the keypad. Under no circumstances should rechargeable batteries be used. The batteries for the initial operation are included in the scope of delivery.


What can I do if the battery display varies greatly between individual operations or quickly runs out?

The battery performance can vary due to strong temperature fluctuations (particularly when the keyboard is located outside).

The batteries in the keyboard and in the cylinder should be replaced.

In such cases, the contact between the battery pole and the contact spring is not adequate. Please lubricate the battery poles with commercially available pole grease (e.g. available in car accessories) to ensure unrestricted current flow.


"Please repeat procedure"/"Communication error":


What procedure is to be followed if the last digit of the code is not accepted, "Please repeat procedure" or "Communication error" appears on the display?

  • the battery separator strip on the cylinder has not been removed after unpacking.
  • the keyboard is not registered with the cylinder electronics.
  • check the voltage supply in the cylinder.
  • increase the transmission power manually via the menu.


Software (with optional purchase):


What should be considered in case of software installation/operating problems?

The various software versions require a PC with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7/8/10 in standard configuration; also a USB port is required. It has been found that faulty software can cause unauthorised changes in the operating system. This may result in faults. If this occurs, please download your latest secuENTRY software update. If this does not succeed, please download the latest updates for your operating system. If the problems are still not solved, a new installation should be carried out on another computer, or unwanted programs should be removed or a new installation of the operating system should be carried out. It may be useful to switch off the virus protection before installation. Always install the program with a user with administrator rights.


Is a data backup necessary?

Regular backups are recommended to prevent the loss of locking system data.


Is it always necessary to connect the USB adapter to use the software?

Connecting the USB adapter prevents direct access to the data by unauthorised persons. Therefore, always keep the USB adapter in a safe place.


How do I protect my data?

Use an antivirus program from a renowned manufacturer and update it regularly. For more demanding requirements, you can additionally secure the BURG-WÄCHTER software installation path with a standard encryption program at a high security level.




Can one transponder be used for multiple locking systems?

Yes, one transponder can be used for an infinite number of locking systems, as the required data is stored in the cylinder and the transponder only works passively. A transponder can be programmed for as many locking systems as you wish.


How do I program a transponder into the secuENTRY easy plus 5651?

Switch on the keypad

  • then press FUNC, and the "Code Change menu" is displayed
  • scroll using the 2 key until the Administrator menu appears
  • confirm with Enter. The "Create User" menu item appears. Confirm with Enter.
  • scroll with the key 2 until you reach the menu item "Create: Transponder" appears. Confirm with Enter.
  • enter the administrator code to acquire the authorisation for programming
  • hold the front of the transponder to be registered on the knob

"Data has been saved" appears in the display



What is the range between smartphone and secuENTRY easy plus door lock when opening the door via KeyApp?

The Bluetooth signal has a maximum range (depending on the environmental factors) of approximately four meters. This means it is not necessary to hold your smartphone directly against the door lock when opening it.

How can I perform a software update for my secuENTRY door lock via KeyApp?

We recommend carrying out firmware updates so that the software of your secuENTRY door lock is always up-to-date. You can find the current software version in the KeyApp under the menu item "Firmware Update". Choose your cylinder model there and install the firmware update on the cylinder using KeyApp.

Why can there be limitations with Huawei smartphones when using KeyApp?

The Bluetooth communication between the smartphone and KeyApp may fail on Huawei smartphones. We are trying to clarify the situation as soon as possible and kindly ask for your understanding. Please check in the application description for the smart devices you can use with the application.

Emergency lock:


How is the emergency lock opened?

If the secuENTRY easy is to be opened via the emergency lock, insert the emergency key below the knob and turn a quarter turn clockwise (90°). Then, just as after entering a code on the keypad, turn the knob and open the door. Simply turning the emergency key is not sufficient!


How is the emergency lock closed?

The key must first be turned counter-clockwise a quarter of a turn and then pulled out of the lock. Then turn the knob two turns in both directions to restore the freewheel.


Security plate

Which security fitting is recommended?

For higher security requirements, please use a security fitting according to DIN 18257 of the appropriate resistance class.

The security fittings are usually equipped with a slotted rosette for the keyhole. In general, this should be removed before installing a product from the secuENTRY series.

Spare parts

BURG-WÄCHTER is usually able to supply spare parts or carry out professional repairs on electronic products for at least 8 years after purchase.

Please contact your specialist dealer if necessary.

Firmware update

BURG-WÄCHTER provides free firmware updates for the product you have purchased if required.

If you decide not to subscribe to the corresponding newsletter, please check the BURG-WÄCHTER homepage (https://test.burgwaechterservice.de) on a regular basis.

General information on updates and repairs


Do the suppliers generally provide information on (security) updates and product repair?

BURG-WÄCHTER provides (security) updates for general product improvement. The updates improve the security of the products and also ensure optimum user experience. Additionally, BURG-WÄCHTER equally offers repair and spare parts for the corresponding products.


Is there any information on how long the devices will be supplied with (security) updates or how long spare parts will be kept in stock?

BURG-WÄCHTER offers corresponding updates and spare parts for electronic secuENTRY door locks for at least ten years, or compatible spare parts for the professional repair of the products.


Is there a manufacturer's guarantee or similar as to how long the equipment will be provided with (security) updates or how long spare parts will be kept in stock?

BURG-WÄCHTER guarantees the provision of updates and spare parts for the secuENTRY door locks for at least ten years, as far as reasonable and possible.


Is there a repair service?

BURG-WÄCHTER offers a repair service for specific components/wear parts for electronic secuENTRY door locks.


Further questions:

If you have any further questions, please feel free to refer to our operating instructions and/or to contact us.