Consumers recognize the danger – Interest in safes and burglary protection increases

“The Germans hide 110 billion Euros in their homes.” This kind of behavior is extremely risky. The FAZ wrote recently that burglars really benefit from this. People hide 110 billion in sugar bowls, linen cupboards, pillowcases and sock drawers. These hiding places are rather insecure. Yet, security specialist Burg Wächter realizes that there is a shift in consumers ‘thinking: „The interest in safes and burglary protection increases.”
Higher demand in safes
“In 2016 the demand in safes increased in the two-digit area. We expect that this trend will continue. The demand for security products is also growing,” says sales manager Dietmar Schake.
Subsidies for burglary protection
Securing doors and windows from the outside and keep valuables secure. Both measures prevent criminal activities. The KFW – Bank provides subsidies for burglary protection. The German government has just replenished the fund. First positive results are visible. Among others, North-Rhine Westphalia, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein are currently reporting lower break-ins. Window protection, such as the serie WinSafe of Burg-Wächter, increases the effort for “breaking – in” and make the object less attractive.

Considering security levels
Despite burglary protection – cash needs to be maintained in a safe. Open terrace-doors and tilted windows are a potential hazard. The resistance grade is crucial: “Reliable safes need to have at least security level S2 according to EN 14450 and the VDMA-level B. Under this circumstances up to 20,000 € can be insured. “, explains security expert Schake. “In this category, we offer the ‚Combi-Line‘; this safe also protects against fire. If you need higher protection, you can acquire safes with the security level N, I, etc. – such as the series Karat and Diplomat.”
Anchoring safes
Fixing the safe to the wall or door is also important: Trademark safes have massive anchoring possibilities that prevent the removal. The owner should use this.