Smart and adaptable – for beginners and the object range – new add-on modules
Essen/Wetter-Ruhr, 27th of September 2016. There are locking cylinders for the private and other for the object or hotel range. And then there is the secuENTRY: This conforms every requirement. Punctual to the Security 2016, Burg-Wächter presents four news of the series. There are two new add-on modules to the premium model secuENTRY pro 7000 – for integration for garages, roller shutters, gates, time-recording systems etc. Adding to that, the light-version secuENTRY easy for beginners is available. Further, the manufacturer reacts to current market demands with a half cylinder.
New: Add-on module Relay integrates garage and roller shutters, gates etc.
The secuENTRY series offers a KeyApp, opens doors via pin code, transponders, smart devices and fingerprint. You can administer up to 2.000 users via your Windows software. In the segment professional access control the add-on module Relay complements the secuENTRY pro 7000. The electronic control unit integrates among other things garage and roller shutters or gates in the electronic locking system.
New: Add-on module Remote combines time-recording systems, alarm systems and much more

The control unit Remote realises via a potential-free contact the connection to external evaluation units. And with that the inclusion of time-recording systems, alarm systems and a lot more. Users introduce the control unit via a QR code to the software.
New: Half cylinder for the secuENTRY
Due to the high demand, Burg-Wächter prospectively offers a half cylinder to the secuENTRY series. This one is e. g. applicable into key switches, alarm systems and block locks.
New: secuENTRY easy for beginners
For private households but also for doctor’s offices, agencies, law offices or smaller trades, the secuENTRY easy provides electronic comfort on a technically high level. It goes without time functions and transponders but at the same time offers a secure AES encoded Bluetooth data transmission like the “big ones”. Users control the “easy” directly via the key pad via the menu-driven user guidance. You can additionally organise a locking system function with user administration via the secuENTRY software.
“Cover complete array of requirements – from private front door to professional access control”

“With the diverse model series, we deliberately cover the complete array of requirements. From starter package to access control including time management, obsegating etc.”, underlines Sebastian Pollok from the technical sales department of Burg-Wächter. “This range offers users the possibility, if required, to expand their locking system without having to change the whole system.”
Hotel version – including connection to check-in automats
For hotels, there is a special secuENTRY software available. It generates individual guest codes and allocates room doors. Additionally, there is a journal function and the possibility to connect it to check-in automats.