A good bicycle lock needs to protect against theft and of course should be portable. BURG-WÄCHTER has for all bicycle owners the proper lock at hand. Whether cable or coil cable lock, each in different versions and equipped with locking systems of all kinds; whether shackle lock or sturdy chain lock – here, every cyclist finds the optimal protection against burglary. Apart from this, our bicycle locks are diversely usable: Further secure garden and sport devices. The chain locks are even suitable to protect your motorbike from burglars.

U-shackle lock 1480 HB 100 55
Strong U-shackle lock The U-shackle lock from BURG-WÄCHTER can be used in a variety of ways. As it can be used individually or in combination with a cable chain. For example, to secure a door with a sliding bolt or … Read More

Folding Lock 790 90
The folding lock 790 90 Black combines security and convenience More than 700 bicycles and e-bikes are stolen in Germany every day. Organised gangs have been targeting high-quality e-bikes and pedelecs for many years, as they bring in the most … Read More

Square chain SKM
Hardened square chain high-quality textile-coated 6 or 8 mm squared Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm SKM 6/60 60 6 SKM 6/90 90 6 SKM 8/90 90 8

Square chain GKM
Super quality! Hardened square chain high-quality textile-coated 10 mm squared Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm GKM 10/100 100 10 GKM 10/150 150 10 GKM 10/200 200 10

Chain combinations
Hardened square chain high-quality textile-coated combined with padlocks Art.-No. SKM 6/60/Ni40 Chain length 60 cm, 6 mm Ø with padlock 217 F/40Ni SKM 6/90/Ni40 Chain length 90 cm, 6 mm Ø with padlock 217 F/40Ni SKM 8/90/Ni50 Chain length 90 cm, 8 mm Ø with … Read More

Chain with combination lock
Hardened square chain high quality textile sleeve 6 mm square link resettable combination Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 280 C 90 Black 90 6

Chain with cylinder lock
Hardened square link chain high quality textile sleeve 6 mm square link Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 580 90 Colour 90 6 580 90 Black 90 6

Cable lock with cylinder assorted in modern colours Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 240 50 50 12

Solid steel cable lock automatic locking Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 260 60 60 8,0

230 L
Strong cable lock with illuminated combination handy and ingenious resettable combination Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 230 65L 65 12,0

330 Fun
Extra strong steel cable lock transparent lock body automatic locking modern colours Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 330 65 Fun 65 12

340 65 L
Strong cable lock with illuminated key handy and ingenious automatic locking Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 340 65 L 65 12,0

345 L
Strong cable lock with illuminated key handy and ingenious automatic locking user-friendly design assorted in 4 modern colours Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 345 80L 80 15,0

Strong cable lock 5 pin cylinder lock covered keyhole Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 550 80 80 15,0

Strong cable lock 6 pin cylinder lock practical frame carrier Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 560 90 90 15,0

Extremely strong steel cable lock strong plastic coating offers protection against damages locking head and steel cable form a unit high number of key differs Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 570 120 120 25,0

650 80 Reflex
Strong cable lock 5 pin cylinder lock covered keyhole cable with reflective stripe Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 650 80 REFLEX 80 15

Combination cable lock assorted in modern colours Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 440 50 50 12 440 60 60 12

210 C 65 KIDS
210 C 65 KIDS children’s bicycle lock with numerical code – Never lose the key again At last, be mobile and explore the area by yourself. It is a big step for kids when they sit on their children’s bike … Read More

Solid coil cable lock incl. mounting bracket Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 1260 100 100 8 1260 150 150 8

Strong coil cable lock with illuminated key incl. mounting bracket practical and ingenious automatic locking user-friendly design assorted in 4 modern colours Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 1345 150L 150 15

Strong coil cable lock high-quality 6 pin cylinder incl. mounting bracket Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 1360 180 180 10

Extra strong coil cable lock high-quality 6 pin cylinder incl. mounting bracket covered keyhole Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 1550 150 150 15

Coil cable lock 1230
Coil cable lock in two lengths Secure your bicycle quickly and conveniently using the spiral cable lock 1230. There is no need to search around for a key, as the spiral lock is opened and closed using a four-digit combination. … Read More

Combination cable lock 430 C 60
Combination cable lock 430 C 60 The combination lock 430 C 60 is exactly the right lock for the first balance bike or bicycle. There is no key for the kids to lose. As it is opened and closed with … Read More

1650 180 Reflex
Extra strong coil cable lock 6 pin cylinder incl. mounting bracket covered keyhole coil cable with reflective stripe Art.-No. Length Ø cm mm 1650 180 REFLEX 180 15